Monday, April 13, 2009

Turning 30 Isn't Bad At All

I celebrated my 30th birthday on March 14. Turning 30 wasn't that bad at all. I have always felt older then what I was and being in the profession I am, I've had to act older so that people would know that I am good at what I do. Ryan turned 30 last year and I didn't do anything special for the BIG day and he says I didn't even acknowledge it, which isn't true at all. Everyone kept giving him suggestions on how we should celebrate my 30th birthday, but I told him that I didn't want anything special. So I planned dinner with the family and then we went to the beach for a day. It was a nice and relaxing weekend. I don't think it is bad to turn 30 when you have two beautiful little girls and a wonderful husband! I am truly blessed :)


The Hales said...

Hey, I am turning 40 this year. 30 is nothing. I can't believe that I am 40....AHHHHHH!

MELISSA said...

You look so good! Sorry i didnt call on your birthday!! i am horrible! Miss you guys!

Jamie Martin said...

You are such an old lady!!! Happy Birthday! We love and miss you guys!

anchik66 said...

Kellie, I'll be catching up to you in October. For now, you are older than me, la-la-la-la-la-la. He-he. Happy Birthday! (month later)
By the way, happy belated birthday to Laci. And Happy birthday to Aubree and Ryan! You all are spring chickens, aren't you?
Love you, guys!